Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Berry Day 2

Well here I sit with day two and all my little list of things to do. Do you have days like that where it seems like you can't concentrate on your goals for all the things that keep getting in the way? I at least feel good that I accomplished one thing off of my bariatric list, The Chew really really slow and make your meal last 30 minutes goal. ever try to eat a ham and cheese sandwich for 30 minutes? LOL at least it was easy cuz Mom and I were at the park and we could sit and visit while I chewed and I chewed and I chewed. Try it, I wanna know if you could do it too. I did start this morning thinking I'll get a million things done I've got all this on my list, it's going to be an accomplishment kind of day and somehow or another I think God had something else in mind. He had in mind for me to work calmly and then be able to leave work and go attend to the things that are important, my health and my family. I can say today was good. Im learning to listen more from GOD and less from myself and learning more and more about my bariatric way of life as well. Tomorrow I shall try something new at least, new on my list.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Berry Day 1

Ever have one of those times when you are so excited about something that you fear it. I had that day today.
TODAY, 9-11-17
was my first bariatric appointment for weight loss. I've wanted to lose weight for a long time. I've tried everything from coffee drinks to diet pills that threw me in to the ER for heart palpitations.
THOUGHTS: Future Appointments for bariatric weight loss will be known as Berries. I trust Dr Brent Sorenson at St Luke's Bariatric Weight Loss. Thing is,  my PCP recommended the sleeve and after learning more about me Dr SORENSON said bypass.  He knows best  and I will research all there is to know about Gastric Bypasses. I've also been warned that not all people will agree with surgery and others who had it and didn't work at it will tell me not to and don't waste your time. There will also be those who think it's a copout.  I'm not losing the weight for them. I'm doing it for a healthier me.

Day 1 pre surgery weight: 230
Goal weight: 135-145
Quote of the day: Strength doesn't  come from what you can do it comes from overcoming what you once thought you couldn't do.

God's Peace and secure feelings to you always,  Love, "Sheri Bari"