Monday, July 25, 2016


Welcome to my new blog! Clothed with Strength During our time together, I will be discussing interest women have, THIS woman in particular. My likes, dislikes, hopes and dreams. I will talk about my fears, questions I have about things,and what I've learned. You might also read about life applications, DIY, places to visit, trips I've taken. Prepare to see art, fashion, beauty, my small business, my thoughts about God, and various therapeutic health and wellness; a variety of topics. What this blog will NOT be is a forum for hate nor will it contain conversations political in nature!! It may be politically incorrect because after all, isn't a person's opinion THEIRS , right or wrong? The way I see it, my life sometimes contains facts, sometimes off-the-wall thoughts and solely mine . The stories I'll tell will be ME in the raw. 50 years has taught me well and I continue to learn how to be clothed in strength! Thank you for following my blog; it may be daily, it might be weekly, and it maya abe seasonally,   but it will always leave you with thoughts to ponder for your own life. Have a great day, peace and God bless! -Sheri